原著論文 2001年

Y. Nagashima, A. Sendo, K. Shimakura, K. Shiomi, T. Kobayashi, B. Kimura, T. Fujii : Antibacterial factors in skin mucus of rabbitfishes, J. Fish Biol., 58, 1761-1765, 2001. (blackwell-synergy)

Y. Nagashima, N.Tanaka, K. Shimakura, K. Shiomi, Y. Shida : Occurrence of tetrodotoxin-related substances in the nontoxic puffer Takifugu xanthopterus, Toxicon, 39, 415-418, 2001. (PubMed)

S. Benjakul, W. Visessanguan, S. Ishizaki, and M. Tanaka : Differences in gelation characteristics of natural actomyosin from two species of bigeye snapper, Priacanthus tayenus and Priacanthus macracanthus, J. Food Sci., 66(9), 1311-1318, 2001. (J. Food Sci.)